Little Witch Shop
African Bloodstone (Tumbled/Polished)
African Bloodstone (Tumbled/Polished)
African Bloodstone known as a powerful stone of protection and vitality, African Bloodstone carries grounding energies that strengthen the body and spirit. Its unique blend of grey and red hues represents growth, resilience, and courage, making it a favorite for spiritual warriors and energy workers alike.
Scientific Name: Heliotrope (a variety of Chalcedony)
Chemical Makeup: Silicon Dioxide (SiO₂) with inclusions of iron oxide or jasper
Formation: African Bloodstone is formed in hydrothermal veins or as a secondary mineral in volcanic rocks. The grey chalcedony base is often speckled with vibrant red inclusions of iron oxide, giving it the appearance of "drops of blood."
Where It’s Found: Found primarily in Africa, as well as India, Australia, and Brazil.
Magical Properties:
Grounding and balancing energies
Boosting courage and strength in challenging times
Protecting against negative influences and unwanted energies
Enhancing creativity and adaptability
Supporting ancestral and spiritual connections
Water Safe? Yes, African Bloodstone is water safe and can be cleansed with water when needed.
MOH’s Hardness: 6.5 - 7
Chakras: Root, Heart
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Aries, Libra, Pisces
Planet: Mars
*Please note, crystals and stones are natural, variants is size, shape, and color will occur*