Crystal Deep Dive - Protection

Crystal Deep Dive - Protection

A stone is a solid mass comprised of non-metallic mineral matter, which will always be hard. While a rock can consist of one or more minerals and can be either hard or soft. Stones forming together create rocks, the stone's mineral composition and the process on how they bind together determine if the rock will be hard or soft.

Crystals start out as a liquid that eventually solidifies or "crystalizes" over time. They are defined as a solid mass which are comprised of different ions, atoms, and molecules perfectly aligned in a repeating pattern to allow the crystallization process to happen.

Mohs Hardness of Common Objects


2 to 2.5







Knife blade

5 to 6.5

Steel file


Streak plate

6.5 to 7





Crystal 💎 Deep Dive ——————OBSIDIAN


1. Mineral Makeup

  • Igneous Rock
  • Felsic (silica) and Mafic (from magnesium and iron)
  • Felsic Lava Flow 750 ºC / 1382 ºF - Average Volcano up to 2200 ºF  + Found In Japan, Philippines, Italy, Indonesian islands. 
  • Yellowstone Park, California, Oregon, Utah, New Mexico, and Hawaii.

2. Origin / Ancient Times

  • Traces of obsidian being used as weapon/tools 
  • Obsidian Flow in Oregon + Obsidian Cliff in Wyoming
  • Obsidian Bloodletting Rituals

3. Element / Chakra 

  • Root Chakra + Fire & Earth
  • Connected to Scorpio & Sagittarius 

4. Properties

  • Protection
  • Purification
  • Transformation
  • Fullfillment
  • Psychic ability
  • Manifistation

5. Usage

  • The sharpest natural substance, can cut through darkness in the seeking of light
  • Absorbs psychic smog
  • Has a mantic spiritual ability to draw out our deepest and darkest insecurities
  • Isolates you mentally for self focus
  • Works deeply with your shadow self
  • Shadow Work Tool for cleansing traumatic ties
  • Shield from negativity
  • Builds emotional deepness to avoid dispart and promotes asking for help

6. Hardness 

  • 5-6 MOH Hardness Scale
  • Equivalent to Thick Glass 

7. Specialty / Misconceptions 

  • Not Stone, Rock, or Crystal
  • Names: Royal agate, Glass agate, Glassy Lava, or Volcanic Glass
  • Pair: Obsidian cleanses the auric field, the Smokey Quartz transmutes that energy into positivity
  • Obsidian puts off a silent energy and does not naturally attract

8. Safety / Water / Sun

  • Sun Safe
  • Water Safe




Crystal 💎 Deep Dive ———————BLACK ONYX


1. Mineral Makeup

  • Combination of quartz
  • Silica + Iron
  • Popular Chalcedony Quartz gemstones include Agate, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Chrysoprase, and Jasper
  • Inter-growth with parallel bands from stalactites and staglamites

2. Origin / Ancient Times

  • Believed the more negative absorbed the darker it gets
  • Cleopatra wore to protect and said it would vibrate around negativity alerting the queen of possible danger
  • Onyx was used thousands of years ago to make figurines of the gods and heroes and for ceremonies and burials. It was also used in combination with other stones to make bowls, cups, stamps and seals, jewelry
  • Romans carved Mars (God of War) to give courage on the battle field
  • Middle Easterners would rub between fingers for peace and clarity
3. Element / Chakra 
  • Root Chakra, Solar Plexus & Third Eye
  • Earth Element
  • Connected to Leo

4. Properties 

  • Powerful vibration of Protection
  • Boosts Will Power
  • Clears your Focus
  • Provides Strength
  • Amplifies Intentions
  • Assists with Grounding
  • Give Courage 

5. Usage

  • Allows us to see our own abilities
  • Shields auras
  • Promotes pursuit of aspirations and protects
  • Wearing it doesn’t allow negative engird to attach to you
  • The calm quality of black onyx helps us handle challenging emotions
  • Use to feel centered, make wise decisions and get to root cause of issues
  • Black onyx placed in the center of your home will ground and align the space, and black onyx placed at the door will protect you and your home from unwanted and harmful energy.
  • It is also thought that onyx used as a paperweight, especially for bills or financial documents, will help bring grounding and stability to your life and finances. 

6. Hardness 

  • 7 MOH Hardness Scale
  • Equivalent to Steel knife

7. Specialty / Misconceptions 

  • Black Onyx that is sold for jewelry and always dyed and heat treated to give the complete black look
  • Contain the same minerals as obsidian only created differently
  • Cupid Clipped Roman Goddess’s Venus’s Fingernails then the gods changed them to Onyx saying no part of God should die

8. Safety / Water / Sun

  • Do Not Leave In Sun
  • Water Safe


Crystal 💎 Deep Dive ——————————TOURMALINE


1. Mineral Makeup

  • Boron, Silica, Aluminum, Lithium, magnesium and iron
  • The color is dependent on minerals contained

2. Origin / Ancient Times 

  • Tourmaline’s original name is Schorl the name of a small town in Germany who mined tourmaline and tin in the year 1400
  • Tourmaline is found in large quantities chiefly in Brazil and Africa while many of the higher gemstone quality tourmaline comes from Sri Lanka

3. Element / Chakra 

  • Root Chakra
  • Earth Element
  • Connected to Capricorn, Libra, Sagittarius 

4. Properties 

  • Riding anxious thoughts
  • Block Electro Magnetic Fields of the Mind
  • Keeping you calm
  • Confidence
  • Truth Seeking
  • Keeping you grounded

5. Usage

  • Use to block negative energies but also transform them into positive energies!
  • Used for protection and is recommended for anyone exposed to uncomfortable environments.
  • The purification that Black Tourmaline provides is perfect for anyone struggling with anxiety, anger, and unwanted thoughts.
  • Thought to protect against environmental pollutants and electric magnetic radiation.
  • Black Tourmaline has positive effects on the body by balancing and activating the left and right side of the brain. This results in the detoxification of impurities in the body. 

6. Hardness 

  • 7-7.5 MOH Hardness Scale
  • Equivalent to solid steel knife

7. Specialty / Misconceptions 

  • Tourmaline comes in black, pink, red, orange, green, purple, blue & rainbow
  • Tourmaline can become electrically charged by simply heating it or rubbing it. Once charged one end of the crystal becomes positive and the other negative.

8. Safety / Water / Sun

  • Safe with water, but can damage with too much water
  • No Sun for long periods, can discolor the crystal over time
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